What competent workshop wouldn't be complete without being able to do WOF's? We have three inspectors all fully WOF certified, waiting to make sure your car is safe. We are fully certified by Land Transport NZ for the issue of WOFs and are proud to be identified as the Pt Chevalier Testing Station.

All WOF inspections are strictly governed by clear guidelines detailed by Land Transport. Long gone are the days of sneaking through 'dodgy warrants' (thank goodness!) and all inspections are entered online to ensure your vehicle is officially up to the required standard. http://www.ltsa.govt.nz/vehicle-ownership/warrant.html

At Mechanix, we believe the new stricter standards are a good thing (and they will probably only get tougher in the future...) as who wants to be driving a defective vehicle down the highway at 100 km/h? Your life is precious and at Mechanix we work hard to ensure the vehicle you drive is safe. Many times we find small things wrong with customers' vehicles that they never would have noticed, but that could have had potentially disastrous consequences. Often these are a quick and easy fix, and at Mechanix, we can usually fix these on the spot and issue you with your WOF certificate without the need to come back. (This is often a frustration at stand alone testing facilities... Fail a WOF due to a $2 bulb, but spend $50 worth of time getting it fixed and coming back to join the queue later...)

You do not have to book in for a WOF, but we are usually so busy that it really pays to. Otherwise you may have to wait, but if you do need to turn up without warning, you can just leave your car and wander along the road for a nice coffee on us. We are here to help after all!